Thursday, May 23, 2013

Baby inside my Tummy: Welcome, my Little Love :)

It has beeeen aaaaaaaaaaaagggeeeees since the last time I updated this blog.
Bahkan sampai saat ini blom selesai mereview vendor kawin sampe abis, hahahaha..
Urusan ibu rumah tangga emang banyak *belagunyaaa* hahaha..
A lot of new exciting things I have done for these last 4 months.
Mulai dari meng-conduct arisan di rumah sekalian, selametan rumah baru, sowan ke rumah pak RT, meng-establish new and intimate relationship dengan tukang sayur dekat rumah biar dapet ikan bawal harga murah, googling resep asik biar masakannya dipuji suami,  sampai nyoba-nyoba resto baru didepok sambil nonton couple of Hot Items movie as Iron Man 3 or Fast and Furious appeared. Tapi tetep doooonk tiap minggu gentian main ke Sushi Tei demi Chuka Idako atau ke Holycow demi 400gr big bites ribs eye/Sirloin hehehe.. Life seems fun, wooohooo!
Work seems fun too! I just conducted several campus visits, having those sparkling eyes looking at me while I shared some tips and tricks in applying Management Trainee program to my company, ah.. Such a wonderful thing to do…
Above all, ultimate happiness is doubled, if not tripled, with the result of previous *test pack session* JENG JENG JENG JENG! Finally two stripes seen, BEIBEEEH!!!!
Buat yang *sok* polos (atau emang polos beneran), gini ya sodara, ada konsep yang namanya test pack. Jadi test pack itu dipake untuk mengukur kadar jormon kehamilan dengan cara dicelupkan ke hasil sekresi tubuhmu yang non-keringat (baca: urine), *cepluk* gitu, terus didiemin deh, liat hasilnya. Kalau alatnya mahalan dikit ada tanda plus (+)—sekitar 40 ribu, kalau alatnya murahan (18-25 ribu), yang keluar tanda dobel strip (=) hehe. Tapi dua-duanya menandakan bahwa kalian sudah mengandung bakal janin itu, ladies! *yang berarti kalian bukan gadis lagi*
Hehehe, I do the test pack on Sunday 2 weeks ago, and checked officially to Obgyn (ini bahasa gaulnya dokter kandungan) on the day after. I got the confirmation that I’m on 5 weeks pregnancy J ah, the feeling is unspoken-lah..
Campur semuanya adalah terharu, kaget, bingung, takut, deh-deg-an, kuatir, tapi this is one of the ultimate happiness :)
By this week it will be 7 weeks pregnancy, I have been drinking susu hamil and changing and my ways of eating to be much much much healthier (and more) :) Si Mas is very excited and he has been very caring, patient, and always be there to help me out during my hard time of continuous vomit and stomachache. He spent his night sleepless to drive me every day in day and night since I always have the same sickness inside moving car, making me cups and cups of milk, forcing me to eat whenever I threw up, caressing me while I can’t sleep, asking to go to Gramedia to buy Pregnancy Guideline book. He is the sweetest man ever. While I’m being such a lazy bear *hihihi* (not proud, but still happy ;p)
At the end, this is a truly life-changing experience, and these are truly wonderful weeks ;) Cant wait for the weeks after!
Me + hubby + (kiddy) = Happy!
Ah sambung lagi ah ntar :p hihihi...
As the title said-lah: Baby inside my Tummy: Welcome, my Little Love :)