Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I’m making my own life without giving a damn to others

Little hut when we create more and more coincindences…
Hahaha, seru ya kalimat pertamanya! ;p You know kan ya bahwa this blog is basically recording my life with si Mas. A whole new world (Aladin banget yaaa booook..) yang tercipta dari kebetulan-kebetulan kecil yang gue yakini adalah bagian dari jaring laba-laba yang udah di sulam oleh Allah; yang gw ga tahu kapan mulainya, dan makin ngga tahu lagi kapan berakhirnya.
I talked to my ex boss one time. Three months ago, he doubted my decision. The decision was a one in a lifetime experience; it will then determine my future and define my happiness: my marriage. Three months ago, he challenged me for my choice; why do I have to go this fast? Who am I marrying? Do I know well about the guy? Am I ready to be tied by a guy who will be my everything till death do us apart? And the ultimate question: Are you sure?
At that point of time, three months ago, honestly, one feeling occured: I was offended. Truly.
Why was I? Oh... I’m a complete adult, for God’s sake. True that I was just 24 years old at that moment; but I’m stretched 6 years from the point when government gives me freedom to think, decide, and act as a full civilians. A formal entity has granted me a right of self-determination; without my parent’s supervision. They (government) didn't not only recognize, but also admitted and respected my OWN decision. And nobody, once again, nobody can judge me for my “young” age. I’m mature enough to choose and defend my faith.
My boss, like many others, believe that I’m not fully aware the consequences of being married, that I was making an impulsive decision, and not considering the long term cost. They don’t understand why did I have to make the decision that fast, to this person I barely know, and how I was forgetting my past lover so quick. Or they might even assume, that because of the transition period I went through was strangely so smooth; I already planned it. Rumours spreaded, that I was splitting my heart into two plates and just broke one when another plate is already filled by the right dishes.
Mannnn.. All.Is.Wrong.
Why? Because things just happened.
And you just know; and can't to anything. Certain things are SIMPLY meant to be happened.
That easy? Yeah, THAT easy! Have you ever filled that you were looking for a very nice dress; you don’t even know how it will look like, but suddenly your eyes found a nice silky dress that just fits you perfectly? Or have you been so hungry, you only need good food but you don't know what you want, then suddenly your eyes meet a very tempting tukang mie ayam with asap yang mengepul and your appetite is simply flooding? Or or or... Have you ever feel so broken, really need some money desperately! and suddenly when you reach out your pocket you just found a sheet of money, 50.000 inside?
Once again: Things just happened.
Coincidences are real.
And if coincidences happened, doesn’t mean that’s wrong.
Coincidences are not less meaningful than planned action.
Just last week, my ex boss, the same person with the one who doubted me 3 months ago-- got back to me; he was asking for another chat. He saluted me for choosing my life path and finally making that huge decision. He admitted that I indeed created a good decision since my “past lover” was remembered by a lot of people--because of his wrong-doings (which is completely not the point of this post). He greeted me for my bravery to confront people’s underestimation and negativity. He confessed that he did question me before; but not now.
I smiled.
No No No.
Not because my choice or my bravery.
I did because I know I’m making my own life without giving a damn to others. I was so proud of myself because I didn’t let the others defined me for my choice. I was so happy because I won the fight with myself, fighting my fear of people’s doubt.
This post is not intended to clarify anything.
I just want to say two things:
a. You should stand for yourself and defend your faith.
b. Coincidences are not less worthy than planned action.
And I love my husband even more ever since
#apaseeeeeeeh #gaknyambung

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