Monday, April 1, 2013

My Pre-Wedding Video Clip is on Board! My ultimate happiness!

This is my ultimate happiness!
We always, like ALWAYS, want to have one memory that last forever. And for me, I will to keep it in as creative way as possible. Ga cuma pake foto yang dicetak atau dilihat di laptop (masih jaman ya nyetak foto di fuji film? haha..), tapi dalam bentuk apa sodara-sodara? JENG JENG JENG... VIDEO CLIP a.k.a. cinematography!! Wohooo!
I have an absolutely sweet pre-wedding clip that I’m so proud of! Yay!
6. Flawless Make Up
Thanks to Mbak Mayang, who already shaped me from plain-make-up-only powder-and-eyeliner-kind-of-girl to be a “mature and humble” lady. Hehe. Mas satyo has been transformed too! From his high-school-boy-who-just-graduated-due-to-his-baby-face appearance to be a handsome and super charming gentleman! I put my trust on her; since she was already handling my make up since pre wedding photo session and it’s all pretty on cams!
My hair is just… lovely J hihihi, very natural at first session, and very childish at the second one hohoho.. jaman sekarang siapa sih yang masih pake rambut berkepang dua tinggi ala sailormoon? ;p
This session I use simple knee-length white dress and creamy-baby-green-tops theme. Si Mas are using pastel color that suits his skin tone very very well. In this session, I just realize that pastel colour; if it is at the right ingredients; might shape your dark skin into a lighter one *inget, lighter, sekali lagi LIGHTER, bukan light tone, haha*
Oh and….smokey eyes never dies :D
5. Very charming director
His name is evan secunda. Very serious about this. He is very dedicated yet funny! He makes us relax and he transformed us from super-duper-nervous couple into only act with a little- tense :p hahaha, we were super awkward and cant act. Definitely NOT ABLE TO! Yet as time goes by, the ice melts and our smile is (finally) just risen up. The only problem is… times needed. And many. Or much. Haha..
4. High quality of camera
I’m not sure about the spec of a camera, never really an expert on that. But my clip is actually a united puzzle from 5-10 seconds clip; that being shot in hundreds, like HUNDREDS of scene, and trust me, its-not-easy. Beeeuh..!
3. Incredible Venue
Nobody can guess where we were. Nope. No clue of the venue dooonk muahahaha.. I want to keep it as a secret for me and Si Mas only J Tapi perjalanan kesana jauuuuuh banget, tapi worth iiiit banget. Look look at the ranch, dan betapa lucu kuda2nya, dan betapa bagus pohon2nya. My favorite scene adalah di bawah pohon yang gedeeeeee banget… Mwuah!
2. Extra sweet plot
Intinya, ketika aku tlaaaaah deeeewasaaa (baca: pake notasi lagu sherina); itu I recall the memories during my “pacaran” time. The “knot” will be foto Polaroid taken during “masa pacaran” hihihi.. Ada adegan gendong2an, terus adegan tindih2an (yang kemudian disensor), terus adegan lari-lari, adegan guling-guling, adegan sweet2, ah lutunaaaa.. Lalu adegan ditutup dengan kehadiran si belahan hati yang pulang kantor #eaaaaaaa ahahahaha.. yayayayayayy.. lucunyaaa… *ini kata saya*
1. Inconceivable efforts worth the result
Ah, im not gonna say much about it. It was a looooooooooooong and haaaaaaard journey! But overall I’m satisfied and happy! Ah lihat sendiri aja deh :D

 This is My favourite part:
Favorite #5
03.28-03.31 the effort of our videographer is wordless, naik ke pohon, tanpa pengaman, gilaaa..
Favorite #4
03.34-03.38 super cute scene, guess what we did ;p
Favorite #3
1.50-1.58 ada anjing kecil lucu tiba-tiba lewat, jadi berasa FTV! :D
Favorite #2
03.01-03.10 the best venue, my mannn.. it’s like in NZ/Aussie’s ranch or somewhere faaar
Favorite #1
02.31-02.50 this is the sweetest one, very cool cinematography!!!!
Take a look at the video and let me know if you are agree with me J

PS. Super big thanks untuk Myrza Photography, my favourite vendor who facilitate us to have this kind of memories :) Love you, guys!
Oh ya, buat yang ga bisa buka videonya, boleh dilihat di youtube ya, disini


  1. helo tyas,
    aaakh iri sama klipnyaa.. baguusss..
    kaya film beneraan yaa..
    jgn2 kmu emg artis? hehe

    ini aku lg blog walking nyari kbaya bludru hitam, eh nyangkut ksini..
    boleh tau alamat+ nomer kontak Rumah Pengantin Hera?
    suka bgt sama wedding dressnyaa..
    itu kmu jait sndiri atau sewa?
    mohon infonya yaa.. thankss


    1. aaaaaaaa.. thanks alot nadiaaa...
      cie cie selamat prepping2 juga yaaa :)
      eh aku uda kirim ya nomornya hera ke emailmu. untuk kebaya sih aku sewa hohoho...


  2. hello, so sweet bgt videonya >.<
    btw boleh minta contact nya myrza photography ini?
    thank's :D

    1. Halo Emilia, maaf aku baru lihat comment-mu say.. silahkan yaa
      di Jl.Sultan Hasanudin Dalam No.18 Blok M - Jak Sel Office Hours: Monday-Saturday 09.00-17.00 Marketing: Rizky 0856 899 3615 / 081 899 7157

      atau coba di fan page FB aja "Mirza Photography"
