Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Reason to Love Somebody: "Magic" on His Hand #wink

The reason to love someone is always varied. Some explanations are logical, some others are not. Some motives are crucial, some others are trivial. If I have to categorize the basis of why I love si Mas, why I said “yes” on his marriage proposal, why I decided to give away half of my freedom to be led by a stranger, well.. I said: I don’t know. Because… It just…. Happens. But one thing that I do know; I do know that day by day, I love him even more and more, and more, and more J #awwwwww #cocwiiiit
Si Mas is my all-in-one package.
When I said all-in-one, that’s really its literal meaning. Probably his wife loves Bondan Winarno because he’s good at cooking, his wife loves kak Seto because he’s good at telling story, or probably his wife loves SBY because he’s big and looks good on army uniform (well..). But if I have to find one practical reason why I love si Mas stronger than yesterday, is because he’s good at: MAKING SESERAHAN, WITH HIS OWN HANDS.
God! Yes! My boyfriend making seserahan for me, with his own hands! Ah… It’s like… Sugar.
So… Last week we went to Cikini, seeking for kotak seserahan. It’s pretty well-known place to buy the boxes with cheap price yet still good and luxurious. Overall, I’m so happy with the boxes. We got a lot of options in term of colors, materials, shapes, sizes, and prices J We have basket-shape, boxes, rounded-box, cake-basket, fruit-basket, banyak lahh..
In average the boxes cost approximately 30.000-40.000 IDR, including ribbon and the “flower accent”. Pretty! For some boxes, it includes mica plastic as the cover. Some boxes have their “pair” so, in a package, it consists of 4 boxes with different size. They give us 100-ish k for all. So it’s definitely a good deal J
We bought around 15 kotak for seserahan dari si Mas (yes, it’s a lot, we bough so many things in hands haha..), and I bought like 7 boxes sebagai balen (kotak yang biasanya diisi macem-macem, mulai dari makanan sampai perlengkapan lucu), sebagai “timbal balik dari seserahan yang dikasih ke kita. Hoho. We also bought 10m plastic cover, 20ish flower, meters of ribbon, accessories, all for only 600k. it’s super awesome. Super. Super. Super. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. So happy!!!
Well, in short, we asked about the prices to bungkus-bungkus seserahan. It costs 35 ribu diluar bahan/kotak. 35 ribu just for the services. Oooh, c’mon. its not worth it. Freaking expensive L kalau kita punya 20 kotak aja, it will cost us 700k just for the service. Karena aku dan si Mas adalah pengantin pelit sooooo… kita emmutuskan ga jadi bungkus bungkus di cikini.
Instead, si mas bilang “aku mau bikin seserahan sendiri..”. BLAH. Aku melet donk pastinya, hahaha.. aku ejek ejek si mas sepanjang perjalanan dan ga percaya dia bisa bikin. Kalaupun bisa bikin aku taruhan si mas bikinnya ga bakal sebagus tukang parcel disana hahaha.. Ya iyalah, si Mas kan kerja di bank, bukan di Cikini :P
Mulutku mingkem waktu kita mampir ke toko buku and he knows exactly what he wants. He bought “special karton”, lem, double tape, dan stationery lainnya yang cukup aneh dan aku ga ngerti why is it relevant with making seserahan and go home with curious mind.

Mulutku terkunci #aziiiiiiiiiik saat si Mas mempraktekkan keahliannya. Sambil ketawa-tawa dia megang gunting, nempel-nempel selotip, melipat handuk disini sambil gulung-gulung kawat, kotaknya dikasih jarum pentul dan tau-tau uda berdiri dengan manis, lipstick dan kosmetik seserahannya diputer-puter dan tau tau udah terlilit pita, soooo many things are done all at once.

He did this, that, a bit of this and a little more on that, added few things and reduce more on that and VOILAA… He did it.
He made it.
It is…. Unbelievable.
The box is… Sweet. And pretty.

My reaction: keep on silence and I dropped my tears.
I'm touched.
Si Mas *once again* opened my eyes.
He’s really someone.
He. Really. Is.


  1. Halo,

    Salam kenal ya. Aku nemu blog ini waktu lagi blogwalking nyari seserahan. Jadi kepikiran mau ngajak Abangku juga aahh buat hias seserahan ^_^
    Congrats yaaa!

  2. hihi..

    boleh bangettt...

    semangat yaaaaa :) mari bikin seserahan yang luuuucuuu *dan pake hati* hihihi..
