Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A reason why you should marry now than later..

Because of that one reason: Our life can be so boring.
Sometimes we only have to go beyond our fear, challenge the monster, and believe that we can do it.
We used to be an ordinary people. Every day we wake up at the same bed, take a shower at the same hour, go to work through the same road, fight with millions of cars for the same traffic, arrive at the office at pretty much the same time, meet the same people, do similar work like yesterday, then finish it at the soonest just to go home and get some spare time, just to do the same routines, watch same television show, over and over, and over, and oooover again..
Same thing happened to me. I used to wear batik at Thursday, same black flat shoes, same red handbag, same type of makeup, over and over, and over again. Weekdays just like previous weekdays, my weekend is full of sleeps, watching hours of TV shows alone, tons and tons and tons of chips, just like previous weekend.
But those happened when I was single, before I made one of the most critical turning points in my life: M-A-R-R-I-A-G-E. It wasn’t an easy decision. But I will never regret it.
New guy, quick time, short notice, changes life. Every word means fear.
But I just believe. Lots and lots of pray. And.... My life suddenly changed.
I don’t change that much though. I still wear my makeup, yet now with light lipstick – reddish nuance on my lips. My husband ensures me that I look cuter with brighther smile. I still spend my weekend on TV though; but now eating healthy foods. A guy sits by my side, where I can lean on his shoulder and smell his perfume, best mixed of morning breeze and rocking fruit. I still sleep a lot though. But I know if I forgot to turn the AC off, I won’t be waking up in cold. The blanket always covers. He did it.
I can’t ask for more. I don’t need perfect life, what is perfect anyway? I just want it to be as sweet as this. From now and since.

Another thought,
What if my life becames boring again?

I will have kids! ;p

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

This is the 15th week of my pregnancy!!!

This is the 15th week of my pregnancy!!!
This is the time when the baby bump started to appear. Meaning what? Meaning that I have to find a new jeans :D hehehe.. Gue punya kebiasaan dudul ya.. dulu pas masih single ukuran jeans gw berkisar 29-30, tapi gw ngeyel dan makenya ukuran 28-29 biar sok kuyus J alhasil karena si gadis labil mendadak hamil, baru hamil 3 bulan uda sesaklah peyutku ini..
There are several changes I have made for these couple of weeks:
Makan 2x sehari, ga makan malem, jenis makan sembarangan, minum susu kalau pengen
Makan (minimal) 3x sehari, dipaksa suami kudu makan malam walaupun eneg, makan sehat 4 sehat 5 sempurna dengan komposisi seimbang, minum susu hamil tiap inget at least sehari sekali karena disuruh si Mas, hahaha.. Sayur tiap makan kudu ada, kalau gak ada tetep harus ada, kalau ga ada juga masak!
Bobo jam 11 malem dijabanin, tengah malam bisa aja bangun tyus kerja. Pergi kerja nyetir, pulang baru disetirin si Mas.
Jam setengah 8 uda nguap-nguap lucuk, jam 9 uda nempel sama bantal. Laptop jarang bgt dibawa pulang. Kalaupun dibawa pulang gak bakal di-apel-in; malah di-anggur-in. Jaraaaaaang banget nyetir, kalaupun nyetir Cuma bentar dan kalau lagi nyetir nguap sekali, langsung disuruh ganti sama si Mas. (Kadang suka pura-pura nguap biar digantiin si Mas)
Fashion: Jeans sama atasan apapun yang nemu di lemari
Fashion: Flowing dress, chiffon dress, knee-length dress, cardigan & dress. Haha.. hidup dress! Berasa cantiiiik bgt kalau pake dress ala ala Kate Middleton sayang badannya beda banget
Kegiatan akhir minggu: Guling, guling, lumpat lumpat, lari lari, kayang kayang, jungkir balik, salto
Berusaha kalem. Kegiatan akhir minggu: Ngantri di dokter kandungan / belanja baju dengan ukuran lebih besar / beli bubuahan / bobok.
Yah begitulah hari hari sebagai ibu muda baru. Menyenangkan Sangat berbeda, karena semua orang jadi:
·         Nanya kenapa saya gendut
Alhamdulillah, dengan mulai munculnya baby bump lucuk, saya jadi tinggal nunjuk peyut untuk menjustifikasi kegendutan. Sebelomnya, euleuh euleuh… boro boro… Dibilang: “abis kawin melar amat yas…” pengen deh di bulan Ramadhan yang suci ini gue menengadahkan tangan dan berdoa: Ya Allah, ampunilah orang-orang yang mendzalimi hamba-Mu ini.. Amin *konon katanya orang hamil adalah golongan orang yang doanya dihijabah*
·         Pegang-pegang peyut
Buat yang mau pegang-pegang, please banget yaaa… boleh megang, tapi pake LEBIH DARI SATU JARI. Saya mengijinkan anda pegang perut, bukan nusuk-nusuk perut saya pake satu jari anda. Pegang itu pake minimal 3 jari. Saya nggak suka di tunjuk tunjukkkkk!
·         Perhatian sama makanan yang saya makan
o   Apa-apa jadi gak boleh.
o   Makan mayonnaise gak boleh.
o   Makan indomie gak boleh.
o   Makan sushi mentah gak boleh.
o   Makan sop durian gak boleh.
o   Makan soda-sodaan, squash-squash-an gak boleh.
o   Makan buah ga dikupas gak boleh.
o   Makan lalapan atau sayur mentah gak boleh.
Hm… Begitulah…

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

So far my 6 months marriage period is sooooooooo...

It’s so fun being a housewife!
Kapan lagi ke PRJ beli lemari dan rak buku instead of sightseeing?
Kapan lagi ke Ace hardware and seeking for vase and aromatherapy for my living room?
Kapan lagi ke mall malah naksir sama karpet tebal buat ruang TV instead of dresses?
Kapan lagi browsing malah about recipe instead of latest make up trends?
Kapan lagi spending Saturday morning jongkok milih daun singkong instead of going to totok aura?
Hahahaha, my routines are definitely changed and seems like I found the “new me”
This is as fun as main rumah-rumahan and papa-mama-an; yet it involved millions of rupiahs to have the complete features :p
Yet, so far my 6 months marriage period is soooooooooo enjoyable J
I think I have transformed myself from selfish little girl into a more matured lady. From a dish taster into a dish maker muahahaha..
I can’t believe myself I finally can cook!!! Not only for me but also for my husband wohooo!! You know what you know what you know what??? He likes it!!!
Ah, I will share you some simple recipe that works on my next posts; simple yet can be done in 5-15 minutes cooking time. Well; most of them are masakan warteg sih, tapi what else we need in this world if not some good, simple, healthy, and cheap food with the warmth of family touch?
At the end, what keeps me alive is my home and its fill. No no no, not the house, it’s home. H-O-M-E. A place where you can go back anytime, anytime, without any pretention…